
Hi, I'm Emmy, a passionate and dedicated second-generation Puerto Rican and Black woman from Brooklyn.

I am a certified Reiki/Holy Fire/Karuna Master Practitioner, Oracle Reader and Self-Love Coach with a passion for guiding individuals on their healing journeys. My journey in the healing arts began in 2019, and since then, I have been dedicated to providing a multi-faceted experience to my clients.

Through the powerful practice of Reiki Healing and intuitive messages, I aim to assist individuals in cultivating a balanced, present, peaceful, and clear relationship with themselves and the world around them. With my expertise and empathetic nature, I strive to create a safe and nurturing space for my clients to explore their inner selves and discover their true potential.

With each session, I bring a unique combination of technical knowledge, intuition, and compassion to help my clients achieve their healing goals. I am committed to continuously expanding my skills and knowledge in order to offer the highest level of care to those who seek my support.

Signature Reiki Healing Session

My signature Reiki Healing session combined with an oracle readings involves me channeling the healing energy through my hands, placing them gently on or near different parts of your body to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. Later we draw the cards and I will share the messages conveyed, gently weaving them into the context of your energy and emotional state. This can offer clarity, validation, and sometimes even uncover hidden aspects of your journey or emotions. My intention is to assist you feeling rejuvenated, more in tune with yourself, and empowered by the guidance received from the session.

Book an appointment.

I offer both in-person and online sessions. Please check the schedule below for availability. Note that our policy is 24 hours to reschedule or cancel in case of an urgency. There is no refund if you don’t show up for your scheduled time.

  • We offer both 60 minute or 75 minute private sessions depending on your preference for Reiki along or combined with another modality.

  • Our general recommendation is four (4) consecutive sessions for each block you are experiencing for the best results.

  • Absolutely! Weekly sessions are recommended for any ailment. Many clients love coming back monthly to maintain a state of balance and flow.